Thursday, January 27, 2011

10-2 Opener

What would your response be if the government said they are going to raise taxes in order to build a new railroad that would allow travel from Cincinnati to Columbus in 30 minutes? (It currently takes 90 minutes by car)


Khaalid said...

I would have been mad because it would take more of my money to support their plan.But it would be great for faster transportation.

Jazmen Taylor said...

I think i would bee mad but it actually depends on if u are in a hurry and if u like yo drive. But i think i would do it cus u never know that one day you might need that tain to get you there in 30 minutes.

Dantreece M said...

I would say i ain't about to pay no extra money for taxes just because the government trying to build a railroad for Cincinnati to Columbus when i can drive to Columbus and pay less money for gas.

Keleigh said...

I would be all for it because it is faster than traveling by car, but what I want to know is if it cost's money?

Dami Okunoye said...

i would be mad because what if some people wont be able to pay all their taxes

Ian Romero said...

I would say that I want them to build the railroad so that it can be faster to get from Cincinnati to columbus a good thing about that is you don't pollute the air.

Brian bishop said...

That as long as they're not to high of taxes that it would be ok because it would be a faster transportation and get to places faster and safer

Kyren said...

My response would be "let them".I would let them because once the government get the money the road will benefit us.

Thao Nguyen said...

If the government said they are going to raise taxes in order to build a new railroad that would allow travel from Cincinnati to Columbus in 30 minutes, I would not like that idea because it is not fair to everyone, even though building a new railroad would be a good idea, not everybody have enough money to pay their taxes.

CourtneyM said...

If the government said they were going to raise taxes to build a new rail road I would be okay with it because it would give people a easier way to travel in a faster way.

Unknown said...

I would not care because I'm too young to pay taxes. I can't drive so whats point of me caring about railroads.

Thai McCowan said...

personally i wouldn't care because i have no business in columbus and i'm two young to care young to drive or pay taxes.

Unknown said...

i would say that i would say that it is a good thing for the winter for times for the time need

Jordan said...

My response would be that we don't need to build a new railroad.

Kevin Neri said...

If the government requested this i would disagree because people are just fine without the railroad.

Shane hart said...

I think that this transportation could be useful but bad. It would make travel faster, but it would also make people pay more money

Kaitlyn Dawson said...

My response would be, taxes are high enough and to raise them to make a train that not a lot of people are going to use, is uneeded in this city.

deion moss said...

I would think it would be great sense it saves you 60 mins to get there and less gas then sense it takes less time.

RandyLayne said...

Well i could care less i cant drive my mom and dad take me every were i don"t drive don't pay taxes so it doesn't matter to me ask my parents i could care LESS

Roy said...

I think it it would be good and bad because it would make transportation to Columbus from Cincinnati a lot more faster for people who have important business to take care of.It's also bad because they lose money.

kakeb brown said...

My response would be yes to raise taxes because if we built a new railroad it would be fast to get to Cincinnati to Columbus and if that live in Columbus that work in Cincinnati they will get there easy.

Breanna rag in said...

I will have to say I wouldn't like to pay more taxes cuz if something go wrong with the railroad and it takes us no where

keithT said...

I would be mad because I wouldn't want to to pay more taxes on construction on a new railroad that I probably wouldn't use because I would rather drive than spend over a 100 dollars on a ticket, ending up spending more money than I would if I drove their.

suzie:) said...

i would say yeah because if it would help me if i had to go to Columbus i would be there faster and it would be more efficent to me and then when i would need to go to Columbus i would be faster and it would use less gases so that would be putting money back in my pocket but then again i don't pay taxes yet or drive yet so yeah:)

melvin said...

i would allow this to happen because of u can get faster to places gas wont be ask much.they will get money for the railroad.

mariahsalyers said...

I would say they shouldnbuild it because it will make transportation from Cincinnati to Columbus faster and easier. It will raise taxes but it will save you gas money.

Chris c said...

I would not want ot pay because I would not have a reason to go to Columbus .

Kevin Smith said...

If I were a citizen, I would be willing to pay, for a better travel.

Payton brown said...

Some people would be agents raising taxes because they don't want to pay the extra money to the government and some people may think they need that to make travel more faster and easier

brandon schon said...

i would say that it was a great idea because it is helping us get from Cincinnati to Columbus faster and get goods to diffrent places faster.

Cunningham Willie said...

my response would be to go ahead and raise the taxes if it make travel time shorter it will be helpful to alot of people.

Emani Thompson(: said...

I would say that what else can they give the people for them to pay higher taxes ? But this would be a good idea.

Kyra(: said...

I would accept that because less gas to use and we wouldn't pollute the air that much. It wouldn't take that long to get there.

Breana N. Murray said...

My Response Too Raising Taxes Would Be Too Not Raise Them Because Many People Could Barely Afford Too Pay Them Now So I Would Not Want Too Raise Them For Those Other Peoples Sake !

croberson said...

My response will be that even though i don't agree with it i would still be a good citizen and pay.

dayna wickersham said...

my response would be that it is a quicker way to get there but seats would run out because a lot of people would use that transportation.

james dean said...

i would not care because it would be better than walking and it would be quicker

Demetrius grimes said...

I would ask how much the taxes going to be an if it's not that much I would not care since its going to be 30 mins faster

Adriana Joseph said...

I would like that because you could get there quicker.

julz said...

my response for the Government would be yes because if you can make a road 60 minutes quicker by fixing it , do you know how much trading could go on and how fast it could happen . we could get the money back in two week's time.

Singletonj said...

I don't think I would care because it would save me gas money in the future and it'll be faster than car

Deairrez d said...

My response will be I would like the taxes to raise so make transportation faster but games and stuff will go up

AStamper(: said...

My response would be the taxes are for a good cause. I think this because some people might work in Columbus and it would take 30 minutes instead of 90 minutes to get to work everyday.

Mike said...

I would ask them to drop the taxes after they do that so they could charge for the trip on the railroad.

Scott said...

i would comply because it would take much less time to get to places

Tre-Von said...

I personally would be mad if the government raised taxes for a railroad when most people might not be able to afford a ticket.

Robin Pearl said...

I would be happy because I wouldn't have to drive and I would try to get a job at ithe railroad station to get more money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $I get money$

P. Raine said...

I wouldn't care to be honest as long as I used th train on at least a weekly basis! But if I didn't use the train at least every week I wouldn't want to pay the tax because it would be paying for something that does not have anything to do with me!!

shawntaze said...

I would say good so there would be more transportation for people to get around. In also too get where they need to be at on time.

malikah said...

my reason would be if they raised the taxes for railroads is i would say yes because people need transportaion and they might have a job on the other side so yes.

Tehya Quinones said...

I don't go to Columbus often so I don't need a railroad. Though, I see they're trying to make it faster to get to Columbus for people who do. It would save some people a lot of time. My response, I wouldn't be happy about the extra tax, but at least some people are getting some help out of it.

Morgan Baldwin said...

My response would be that I would have no choice but to pay but I wouldn't want to because I could just drive there myself instead of paying to get on the ride then pay for a rental car which is extra money. Also because it's less money and not a big difference of time of the length than driving and have to spend way more money.

Keleigh lape said...

I would be kinda angry but it would be good for people who live far away because they will get to work faster and get from place to place faster. So I guess that they should do it so it will help our economy ( in the old days) grow. I wouldn't be to upset

jah bell said...

i would encourage this because it would shorten trips for people and for people who have to go to work

Kaitlynn said...

If the government said that they were going to raise taxes is that I would go up and talked to them about it and be very mad

- Carrie Lindsay said...

- I Would SaayThat This Is A Good Idea , Because We Need A Faster Waay To Move !

Ems said...

My response would be that they should not be Raising taxes for that kind of reason. If they were to raise the taxes they should raise them for a different reason!

Smith , Kaylyn (: said...

My Response Would Be That I'd Rather Drive 90 Minutes Than The Government Raise Taxes .

Courtney said...

My response would be that if they were to raise the taxes they should not raise the taxes for a reason like that. I they were going to raise the taxes they should raise them for a different reason!

matt paluga said...

That would be fine because i have family that lives in columbus and i could see them

Samantha Schon (: said...

If i had money i would say it is okay. But if i struggle then i would say no. Because it is more efficent and saving gas (:
Which is saving money that you can use on other things (:
Overall i would say yes , <3

gavin said...

I think it would be a good thing because it speeds travel up to three times faster

kbin said...

My response would be if the government said they are going to raise taxes in order to build a new railroad that would allow travel from Cincinnati to Columbus is that i will tell them to stop raising their taxes for building the railroad.


i would say no to the taxes because we already have too many taxes as it.

jessica meguire said...

my response would be not to do that because it would cost money to buy the tickets and what would be the point if we have cars

Unknown said...

I would try and stop the tax. I would do this because in my opinion it is a wast of money. Thare are few people who travel between Cincinnati and Columbus on a regular basis. And a train will be uneconomical and profitless.

Raelynn Hopkins said...

I would do something about it because, I would hate it if I had more for someplace that i can already go.

WoOlLy AwEsOmEnEsS!!!!! XD said...

My response would be: wwwwwhhhAaaaaaatt?!?! no, no no no no no! I highly don't approve of that because you lazy people can drive yourselves to Columbus, Ohio. No raising of the taxes, people are poor here like me! My action besides saying that would be: I would march up with the other people who thought this was wrong in so many ways that I saw the same way. I'll light on fire who ever created this disastrous idea and laugh at them til' their dead then go back to what I was doing before I heard the nonsense idea...heh.

william said...

i would not care cause i would probally use the train.

Paige Mckenzie(: said...

I wouldnt pay it because we can get to Columbus but it just takes longer than it would to get there by train. People need to just stop being lazy.

kyle dunn said...

I would be mad because it means you have to pay ALOT more to go somewhere you can just drive yourself to.

Scott,Rodney said...

I would be curious so therefor i would get more information about it. But if it is for a good cause i would be more than happy to pay the taxes.

Megan horne said...

I would pay because it would help us create more jobs it will help more people keep their jobs it would be a nice experience

Unknown said...

I would be mad of the taxes cause i don't really like paying taxes anyway but by raising them makes me mad

Julz said...

My answer for the government will be yes I would pay because I could save lots of gas and get there souled also they could put up a toll booth and get some extra

dominick.s said...

I dont think i would want then to raise my taxes. if it was only an hour more ..and the train ticket would be at least one hundred dollars.

braydon west said...

i would be for the new railroad as i travel to columbus to see family and this would cut the cost and time in half.

Tikqua Ervin .(: said...

If The Government Decided To Raise Taxes I Would Be Highly Upset , I Would Disagree Because I Feel As If That Would Be A Waste Of Money , Say If Someone That Don't Take The Train Would Have To Pay For Someone Else . No . So Therefor I Believe I Should Not Have To Pay Taxes .

jcarpenter said...

no way would be my response to the new tax because i would most likely not use it so it would do no use.

Darion Carter said...

I Would Be Mad , Because Not Everybody Would Drive On That Road . Or Want To Go To Columbus .

Susie:) said...

It would make things more efficient and it would be faster and even if it takes most of my money or my moms car:)

ricky hardiman said...

i would say no because if you raise taxes you wont be able to pay the taxe for the train to get to columbus or cinncinati

tudorj said...

if they decided to raise my taxes i would be anger but happy at the same time i would be happy because at least there not takeing my money for stupid reasons there doin it to fix the railroads for the people that need to use it to get to work every day and id be mad because i need my money and if they took alot of it id have to work alot harder to provide for my family then if they did not take a tax out.

payton brown said...

yes i would pay taxes for a rail road because i could expaind my job opertuites and if i want to go some where it would be a lot faster then hose back

Aubrey pryor said...

I would pay taxes because a rail road would be faster easier and more efficient

Aubreypryor said...

I would want the TCDD to go up so that I could get transportation so I could get to places faster