Monday, February 27, 2012

Monroe Doctrine

Watch this video, and then this video. Do some further reading if you need to on the topic. Describe the Monroe Doctrine and why it was and still is important.


Ayman E said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document that stated that if any European nation interfered with an independent nation in the western hemisphere , they could expect an unfriendly reaction from the United States of America.

nichols,s said...

it said that if any one interferes with the united states that we would respond strongly. this is still important today because if any one attacks the united states, we would go to war with that threat.

Eyionna L said...

it was a famous policity that president James Monroe wanted it to keep his country peaceful and was inportant because with out safety from James Monroe his people would die.

Kali A. said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the U.s. It wanted European nations to colonize land and see it as acts of aggression. This is important because if it ever happens the united states would be ready to intervene .

norris,jayda said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a law that that stop the erouping monarces from interfering with united states.
it still is important today because no one can come to amarica and interfear with us.

Maria K. said...

The Monroe Doctrine told Europe that there would be consequences if they threatened North America or South America. It is what is used to shape our foreign policies now.


Jaylen Jones said...

I feel that Monroe Doctrine stopped the war from happening in latins.

Maya G. said...

It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention. The intent and impact of the Monroe Doctrine persisted with only minor variations for almost two centuries. Its primary objective was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from European intervention.

Mitchell Smitty said...

It is still important because it Doctrine was intended to show that the United States was the only country that could influence such political matters. To describe this would be that the Doctrine had to show us the only we can influence political matters.

Joes said...

The monroe doctrine was a document that said that the European colonies still around when they fought them.doctrine is still important today because it is a famous document.

Stephanie, Valdez said...

The Monroe doctrine is an important policy introduced on December 2, 1823. The Monroe doctrine was first stated by president James Monroe during his seventh annual state of the union. The Monroe doctrine is still important today because it stated important facts. Some of those important facts were that neither of the states could interfere with existing European colonies.

Arnae J said...

a policy of the united states introduced on december 2, 1823. it stated that further efforts by european nations to colonize land or interfere with states in the north south america would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring u.s. inventions.

Trey S. said...

It was saying that the European Monarchy should expect a strong response from the United States if the interfered with any independent nation.

Philip S said...

The Monroe Doctrine is an exclusive statement of American policy warning European powers not to interfere with the Americans, north and south.
This was and still is important because If the U.S didn't say this , then the Europeans would colonize wherever they wanted to in the U.S.


the monroe was important because December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas. The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependencies in the western hemisphere.It was believed that France, which had invaded Spain and restored its former king to the throne, was behind Spanish intentions to become involved again in South America. European powers should not interfere in the western hemisphere became an important part of American foreign policy.

and it is still important because it say that we are allowed to colonize and we aint gat the right to tell nobody that they cant

Adam Jennings said...

The Monroe Doctrine was important because it stated that efforts by europeans to colonize land or interfere with the states in North or South America would be viewed as aggression and required U.S intervention. The Monroe Doctrine is important today because if we didn't have it then the Europeans could come to north or south America and colonize anywhere they wanted to. But since we do have the monroe doctrine then if they try to colonize on American land then the government and the army would make a stop to it.

xavier.d said...

the monroe doctrine was a warning more to say that if any european power harm north america or south america the would be strong actions. It is still important today because we still defend our country and the people who live here.

Myka H. said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document where James Monroe warned the European powers that he will consider any attempt on their part to make there system dangerous to us. It's still important because it limits foreign power. The Monroe doctrine was written to keep the u.s. safe, and to make sure the foreigners don't take over.

Tyler K. said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United States. The Monroe Doctrine stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.

The Monroe document is still important because the European nations can't interfere with states in North or South America .

AndrewsrBypelini said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a quote that James Monroe wrote and it was important because powerful Monroe's threatened to stamp out represented goverments that the reason James wrote this quote .

Darinda R said...

The Monroe is a policy of the United states it states that any acts the European nations to colonize land of interfere with states in North or South America would be an act of aggression requiring U.S intervention. The Monroe Doctrine was important because it stated that the United States doesn't mess with the Europeans and the Europeans doesn't mess with the United States so neither countries would interfere with this tenet. And also it's still important to this day cause its a part of history and it helps divide and keep our country non-interracted with the Europeans.

Carter G. said...

The Monroe doctorine was a policy that said if Europe tried to colonize North America again that they would interfere. The Americans were just trying to make sure that the British did not try to take over America. It is still important because if Europe tried to take over Mexico then they could take over America and we don't want that.

Jacob R. said...

Monroe doctrine was a superlative U.S. foreign policy statement. It was precipitated by various independence movements in South America and the U.S. government's desire to discourage European nations from colonizing the Americas.

Devin W. said...

The Monroe doctrine was a message from James Monroe on December 2, 1823 that said European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas. The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere. This was important because it confirmed safety from any European invasion.

jason said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.The Doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries.

HarperJ said...

The Monroe Doctrine warned Europeans that they could expect a very strong response from the U.S. and if they interfered with any affairs from any single independent state in north or south america.The United States, working in agreement with Britain, wanted to guarantee no European power would move in.Basically the europeans could not touch the U.S.

Michael K. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was telling monarch governments if they tried to mess with a country's independence in our hemisphere we would fight them to keep it. It was important because it gave people who have independence security that they could keep it.

gaitherashl said...

because any attempt by the erupean nation to oppress or controlleany nation in the western hemisphere would be seen as a act of aggression and the united states would interveen thats why it was important

Josh Ziegler said...

The Monroe doctrine says that if any British monarchy interfered with any independent nation in the north or south America that there would be a strong response against them.

Kayle guy ! (: said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United States,introduced in 1823 on December 2nd. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S intervention. The Monroe Doctrine is important today because the European counties do not have claim on South America.

Nathan G. said...

The Monroe doctrine is still imprortant because it says that Eurpoe could not colonize in north or south America.

Louis G. said...

The Monroe doctrine said that the U.S. would not interfere with European colonies. It's primary objective was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America.

jon.b said...

The Monroe Doctrine stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.In other words this says that if any european country tries to settle in the U.S we can respond to and that action would be be viewed as aggression towards the U.S

Breonnaa(: said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.The doctrine put forward that the New World and the Old World were to remain distinctly separate spheres of influence, for they were composed of entirely separate and independent nations

Robbie B said...

The Monroe Doctrine is still important today to colonize land and Interfere with the other state

keyonh said...

that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. still important because they cant just bring anything into the us

brown kyler said...

it stated that further efforts by european nations to colonize land or interfere with states in the north or the south america would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring u.s intervention

Katelyn Eisenecher said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas. The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependents in the Western Hemisphere. However, any attempt by a european nation to oppress or control any nation in the western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression and the United States would intervene.

Malikb said...

The monroe doctrines is still Important to day because it gives the other hemispheres safety

brown kyler said...

it stated that further efforts by european nations to colonize land or interfere with states in the north or the south america would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring u.s intervention

William Q said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document saying the united states are the protectors of the eastern hemisphere. Also In the document it says any European power coming in this hemisphere To settle will be considered dangerous to our peace and safety.

Jordan, Lanisha said...

The monroe doctrine is important because its a document stating that the United States could not interfere with existing Europeans colonies; the same goes for Europeans. President James Monroe first stated the document in his seventh annual state of the Union Address to Congress.

Berlona k said...

The monroe Doctrine was basically a document of protection from the europeains.Stating that if the were to enter fear with the affairs of north or south America they would have to deal with the United states.

Darius m said...

It was monro who rote it and it was to worn the monaries that he would interfere with them and that he would thwarting them

Keilah , Julious said...

any attempt by a European nation to oppress or control any nation in the western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression and the United States would intervene.

Well if the Monroe doctrine never existed then european countries would have settled in south america and they would have most like expanded to other areas and they would have become very big and VERY powerfull and they would have pretty much taken over the world.

Malik S said...

The Monroe doctrine was important because it let European states know that the united states would not be interfering with their problems or troubles. It is still important today because we still follow the Monroe doctrine to not interfere with the Europeans problems.

Dylan ,s said...

The monroe doctrine was made so the Europeans wouldn't interfer with America

Alexis, g said...

This is an arrangement to keep everyone safe. The English did not like the represenatives and threatened to stomp them if any governments like this formed. It warned the English monarchy if they interfered with any independent nations there would be consequences....

kyra e said...

the Monroe Doctrine is a doctrine which stated the european powers could not interfere in the existing colonies Its in important today because this is the first attempt to limit power now as european imperialism

Smith, Bre'Asia said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the is important because it help the european nation to colonize land or interfere with states in North Or South

Megan I said...

The Monroe doctrine was a policy by president James Monroe to limit European expansion in the western hemisphere. It's important today to keep other countries from invading the U.S.

Anaiah W. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was important because it states that if any country. (European) were to interact with the U.S. in any way (LAND WISE) by colonizing it, the U.S. would Would see its as a sign if aggression. Meaning that the US would be ready to confront them on it.

johnathan n said...

europe threaten to eliminate any representative gpvt. the colonies make so the monre doctrine was created to warn europe that there would be a strong responds i they interfere with any colonies in the north or south america

FrankD said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a document made by James Monroe to protect North & South America's expansion and independence from Monarchies in Europe.

Riley B. said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy introduced on December 2, 1823. It's important because it said that further efforts by european countries to colonize land or mess with the states in north or south america would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring US intervention.

Thomas Chhim said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document that stated if other European nations interfere with the US's or South America's affairs they would respond with force in their own way. It was important back then and is still important because the doctrine is saying if you mess with the Western Hemiphere we will respond with force as needed.

This information was from 2 links at

Schulz, Stephen said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a document that told Europeans that the United States would not interfere with their colonies or meddle internal concerns of European countries.

Hiep L. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a document ( by president James Monroe ) stated that any European's effort to extends monarchy, colonize land, or interfere with states in North or South America, or Western Hemisphere, will be viewed as thread/acts of aggression and require a U.S convention.

Marisa F said...

The Monroe Doctrine stated that if any European countries wanted to settle colonies in North or South America, it would be aggression toward the United States, which would mean that the U.S. would have to interfere. The doctrine asks stated that the Untied Staes could also not try to settle in parts of Europe, ans having those countries interfere. That doctrine is still important today because it means that no one can make new settlements on our land.

Mason f said...

The monroe Doctrine was a statement made by James Menroe that said that if the European powers were to interfere with any of the affairs made with other independent countries There would. E. a very angry u.s. coming at them. This was and still is very important still today because this provided a figurative shield for all the people in the rights movement.

Andre, E. said...

The Monroe Doctrine warned the European Monarchies that they could expect a strong response from the U.S, if they interfered with the affairs of any independent nation in north or south America. It was and still is important becuase it protected us from the Monarchies if they decided to come in on our foreign affairs or mess them up.

Justin, Myers said...

Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the untied states that was made on December 2 1823. The policy was an effort to stop European nations to colonize land or interfere with states north or south America this would be viewed as an act of aggression.

I got all of my information at,

Shelton , C said...

President James Monroe made it. It told the European Monarchies that if they interfered with the affairs of any independent nations they would get a strong response. It also stated that the United States would nether interfere with existing European colonies nor the middle in internal concerns of the European countries.

Dj Granville said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a policy that was signed on December 2,1823 and it stated that if any efforts by European nations were to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be view as acts of aggression. So what this means is they were trying to limit european powers with dealing with the states in our country and they didn't want to Europe to interfere with whats going on,on this side of the hemisphere.

Ian.u said...

The monroe Doctrine stated that further efforts of European nations to interfere with north or south America would be a threat and would be treated as such .

Khanh Phuong T. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a document that warned Euorpean Powers to not interfere with the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. It is still important today because it has been adapted and used to interpreted many events and issues in the United States of Amercia. And it still influences the American forgein policy.

Braylin L said...

The monroe doc. was important and still is becauseit stated that Europe. could not bring and affairs and that we could not meddle with Europe.

Zoe H. said...

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy that stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention. It was important because the American government feared the victorious European powers would revive the monarchical government. It is important today because of the paradoxical situation.

Marc T said...

The monroe doctrine was one of the major things that helped the us get a step closer to gaining world power. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring U.S. intervention.The Doctrine noted that the United States would neither interfere with existing European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries.

dj,martin said...

the Monroe doctrine was a warning to the European monarchies,that they could expect a response if they interfered with any independent nation in north or south America.

Alex S. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was important because it meant that European powers were no longer able to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of America. The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere either.

kelsie l said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a policy statement that warned the Maracies that they could expect a strong responce from the United states. Why is was important then and still is is because it shapes the American foren policy.

Justin, Myers said...

This is an ad on to the other warm up

The Monroe Doctrine's main intention was to free the Latin Americans from Europe. James Monroe first stated the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress

I got this information for

Lloyd W. said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a warning to the European powers that if the European monarchies interfered with the freedom of any independent nations they would get a strong responce from the U.S. The Monroe Doctrine is still important because it not only defined U.S.-European relations, but was a major stepping stone on America's road to becoming a world power

I got this information from YouTube.

jada lovee said...

The monroe doctrine is the policy of the united states introduced on december 2nd 1823 and james monroe was the one who declared this .

clarkk said...

Monroe wrote the Monroe Doctrine so it warned the Europeans they will except a strong response from the untied states if they invaded the space of any independent nation in the North or South. Why this is still important because right now in the united states it is spit into two parts West to East.

richard T said...

the monroe doctrine is about that the us can't jump in any other war unless they want war with the u.s.He wrote this is because he dont want any destroyed place and even problems with others states.

Jenna A. said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document that warned the European monarchies that they could expect a strong, very unfriendly response from the United States if they interfered with the affairs of any independent nation in north or south America. This is still important today because it continued to shape american foreign policy to this very day.

Tony Hubbard said...

Tony Hubbard -The Monroe doctrine said that the U.S. would not interfere with European colonies. It's primary objective was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America.

Carly D. said...

The Monroe doctrine was a policy of the US that told Europe that if they threatened North America or South America they would get consequences. It's still important today because it's what's used to shape foreign policies today.

leistb said...

it said that if anyone wanted to attack us we would go to war and we still will today

preston meece said...

the monore doctine ia a policy of the united states introduced december 2 states that further efforts by european nations to colonizesland or interfere with states in the north or south american would be viewed as acts of agression reguiring U.S intervention. the doctine noted that the united states would neither interfere with exsiting European colonies nor meddle in the internal concerns of European countries

rachel smith said...

The Monroe Doctrine was a declaration by president james monroe, in december of 1823, that the U.S would not tolerate a European nation colonizing an independent nation in north or south America.

harrisj said...

The Monroe Doctrine was an American diplomatic decision which greatly influenced the world and the way it has developed to present day.

Conner F said...

The Monroe doctrine was a document that stated that if any European nation interfered with an independent nation in the western hemisphere , they could expect an unfriendly reaction from the United States of America And that could mean WAR!!!!! That wouldn't be good for them eaither

justin s said...

the minrow domen was a letter or some what and unfriendly rection from the us that could mean war eurpones in dentpent

gibsona said...

Monroe Doctrine is a policy of the United states that was created on December 2, 1823.It had said that more efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with the sates in North or South America.It is still important because without this policy European nations would be the same and it would not interfere with North and South America.

Justin b said...

Europe could not trade with the north or the south

coopern said...

The Monroe doctrine was where James Monroe kinda threaten the European powers that if they attempt on their part to make themselves as a threat to us it would be a reflect on them. It limited european power. The Monroe doctrine was written to keep the u.s. safe and to make sure the europeans didnt take over.